Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't touch me

Well, that's what hard liquors are going to say if you are below 25. Maha Government has raised legal age of alcohol consumption from 21 to 25. While you cannot have hard drinks if you are below 25, you can still have beer if you are above 21. Now technically, two bottles of beer cause same alcohol consumption as three pegs of hard drink.

In India, the minimum age for voting is 18, the legal age of marriage for men is 21 and for women it is 18. Now if a person can decide who should run the country at the age of 18 and if he is capable of taking marital responsibilities at the age of 21, why can't he drink hard liquor at 21?

Though the intention of government behind this new rule is good (which is to reduce alcohol addiction among the youngsters), the steps taken seem inappropriate. They should have raised taxes on liquor, increased scrutiny on liquor shops licenses, started awareness campaigns, etc.

Also I don;t think it's governments job to guide the society morally. It's the job of society itself. If government starts doing morality checks, they will end up in losing the focus from important things they are supposed to do.

Also implementation of this new rule seems to be a problem. I wonder how they are going to check if the person is above 25. It looks like youngsters will have to carry their birth date proof with them when they go to purchase liquor. Let's see how things unfold. I have no worries though. I am above 25. :)


  1. It really doesn't matter if it's 21 or 25... people still manage to get liquor illegally..the one who has to drink will drink no matter what. Same goes with smoking..Boys/Girls get into such habits right from school..God save them all.

  2. @ UB, right said. So the purpose of law is not at all served. Plus feeling of guilt for conscious ones. haha...
    Hope we will see 'Limited governance' one day.
    Thanks for stopping by. :)
